Return to Index › WaPo article "Decoding the ancient logic of the Google Bro"
Curious - 2018-03-29
WaPo article "Decoding the ancient logic of the Google Bro"

Testosterone is the most effective solvent for human brain tissue. Just a drop or two can render a perfectly functional human cortex completely stupid. As evidence, I offer all of human history.

Naturally, I have a right to express this statement, much as did Google Bro James Damore, when he wrote his now infamous manifesto suggesting women were less successful in tech jobs because of certain biological impediments. For example, he suggested women were naturally too neurotic for high-stress jobs.

The problem is that the foolishness of bros worldwide has dire global consequences. Indeed, while our eyes are drawn to headlines underscoring the imminent threats we face today, no problem has caused more damage to more people in the course of human history than the subjugation of women, who make up about half of the world’s population. From the millions of girls and women who still die yearly because they are seen as unworthy of equal medical care as males, to millions who lead less fulfilling lives because they are denied opportunities by male-dominated societies, the suffering involved is not open to debate.

The repression of women’s rights is still defended as a cultural prerogative in every corner of the globe. Even in the most educated, prosperous societies, it is a problem perpetuated daily by the wrong-headed, insupportable beliefs of guys such as Damore and by bros in top government and corporate positions worldwide.

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