Return to Index › Britain gone to the dogs.
#1 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-06
Re Britain gone to the dogs.

According to some financial commentators, mortgage rates in Australia are forecast to rise by around 2 - 3 % within the next couple of years.

#2 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-06
Re Britain gone to the dogs.

In a place like Sydney or London it would be almost impossible for someone to live just on a teachers wage in 2017. I saw a report on Channel 9 in Sydney tonight: There are only FOUR suburbs in the whole of Australia where a person can still survive by themselves on the minimum wage. A friend of mine said, "I'm glad I'm old now". I want not want to be 22 or 23 in Australia or England now. Looking down the barrel of a 30 or 40 year mortgage, in London or Sydney home ownership is nothing but a dream now for most. Add rates, electricity, car rego, gas, petrol , insurance, you will be working 6 days a week, 10 to 12 hours a day just to live. Add being stuck in traffic most of the time in cities like Sydney, fuck that!

#3 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-06
Re Britain gone to the dogs.

As I had said in a previous post in this thread, my first salary as a high school subject teacher commencing August 1975 woz almost 5,00O GBP gross.

Using the inflation calculator in the link below, and assuming a 25% income tax rate, and input year 1976, the calculator 'grows' the amount of 3750 in 1976 to approx 29,000 GBP IN 2017. That 25% tax estimate on the whole amount of the salary was of course an over-assessment of the tax.

That said, a probationer teacher would never receive 29 grand net per annum these days.

It seems teachers in Blighty are underpaid these days, according to my very rough calculations! But there could be other relevant factors that I have not taken account of.


#4 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-05
Re Britain gone to the dogs.

Quality parents, quality youngsters, quality teachers, quality social services, quality wages?

There are clearly big problems in Brit society.

A huge issue that neither you nor I are qualified to speak about.

Not much interested, as I'm not in Blighty and won't return.

Just glad that I got out years ago.

#5 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-05
Re Britain gone to the dogs.

I know that area very well as I used to teach high school for West Lothian County Council at a nearby 'academy'.

Plenty of such deprived towns throughout Blighty. However, many inner city areas are just as bad for teachers' job satisfaction.

My first teaching post was for WLCC IN 1975, salary 4995 GBP pa gross. At that time my late pa presented me with a Triumph TC car, it cost him 5,000 GBP exactly, on the road.

Even in those deprived towns they manage to eat well, keep their mobiles topped up. The kids may very well be deprived, deprived of quality parents. Available parents put great store in buying 50 inch Television sets for their squalid sitting rooms instead of investing in items useful to get their offspring out of the offending areas.

The kids who attacked that singer were bullies and cowards and not products of an indifferent government in London or anywhere else.

#6 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-05
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

Knee-jerk reaction, methinks.

#7 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-05
Re Britain gone to the dogs.

A gang of up to 15 youths have targeted the 56-year-old in her hometown of Blackburn, West Lothian. In one incident the gang, mainly boys, set light to paper and threw it at her.

I know that area very well as I used to teach high school for West Lothian County Council at a nearby 'academy'.

Plenty of such deprived towns throughout Blighty. However, many inner city areas are just as bad for teachers' job satisfaction.

My first teaching post was for WLCC IN 1975, salary 4995 GBP pa gross. At that time my late pa presented me with a Triumph TC car, it cost him 5,000 GBP exactly, on the road.

#8 Parent John O'Shei - 2017-07-03
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

Judging by how irritating some of you hardcore liberals are, I actually sometimes wish that a real Hitler 2.0 would come along and put you all in a concentration camp. Then you'd get your jobs, free housing, healthcare, food etc that you'd been screaming out for all this time.

Earlier in his career Trump arguably had a reputation that would suggest nothing of the sort; yet he gets very blunt about very real foreign threats to the US and you all of sudden believe that he is Hitler.

Last time I checked, Trump was not a liberal, failed arts student socialist unlike Hitler and these days, many Anti-Trump people.

#9 Parent BeenThere - 2017-07-03
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

There is no ban on Saudi Arabia although 15 citizens of that country were involved in 9/11.

#10 Parent John O'Shei - 2017-07-03
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

The ban probably has more to do with the lack of infrastructure for vetting migrants from those countries.

I'm not sure that it is case of Trump being racist, but of backwards third world countries not getting their shit together. There's all these other Islamic countries that are not subject to the ban. If it's a 'Muslim ban,' it's a pretty damn porous one with a shitload of loopholes.

#11 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-03
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

The funny thing was how Clinton supporters just assumed she would win. They even had a big party planned afterwards.

Talk about hubris and arrogance. You are right, Trump is in, there is another election in 2020, if people don't like him they can kick him out.

Until then Democrats should stop whining. Comparing Trump to Hitler is just stupid, the two men have nothing in common at all.

#12 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-03
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

That is a good post. Most Asian countries are extremely racist and severely restrict any immigration but if Trump bans people from six Muslim countries he is a monster.

You will never see libtards on here criticizing China. The leader of China is ten times worse than Trump but all we hear about on here is what a bastard Trump is.

Britain, the USA, Australia, ALL these countries have been way to generous in regard to letting in large numbers of immigrants. France is a disaster, and the UK can expect more terrorist attacks.

Western nations should only allow immigration from other Western countries. No Asians, no Arabs, no Africans, end of story!

#13 Parent BeenThere - 2017-07-02
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

No no, it's not losing a normal election.
That was hitler being elected all over again. When hitler won his first election, it was not a normal election.
It's very important to see this difference, John O'Shei
Go on with your life. You are part of the silent majority. But some of us have to resist hitler 2.0

#14 Parent John O'Shei - 2017-07-02
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

It is Amazing what trump has done to America in just 5 months.

It is amazing that so many liberals can't get over losing an election that was heavily fixed in their favour after such a long period of time.

Many normal working people with both left and right wing views are getting sick and tired of the whole 'you're with us or them' and 'everyone who supports Trump is a racist sexist homophobic Nazi' narrative. We've got other things in our lives to worry about and the world still hasn't ended yet. We'll still go to work in the morning, look after our kids, do the shopping etc, life just goes on.

#15 Parent Curious - 2017-07-02
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

I stand corrected.

However, there are important differences between the two. Globalism, at its core, seeks to describe and explain nothing more than a world which is characterized by networks of connections that span multi-continental distances. ... In contrast, globalization refers to the increase or decline in the degree of globalism.
#16 Parent John O'Shei - 2017-07-02
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

You may getting the terms 'globalisation' and 'globalism' mixed up. Sure, they're often used interchangeably, unfortunately even by myself to an extent.

Globalisation as taught on your average MBA programme probably doesn't even represent anything too bad. Some casts doubts upon it because truly global policies seldom work with for most businesses; they are more likely to practice a multi-national approach than try to treat the whole globe as a singular market with shared characteristics. The world might be getting smaller and more integrated, but good opportunities will arise from that. Not to mention that the forces of globalisation were arguably stronger 100 years ago than they are today, depending upon how one looks at it.

Globalism however, has many a dark secret, it's not all world peace and unity like the politicians would like you to believe. Also, for all the bad things that are said about those nationalists that resist globalism; they are the ones that truly respect diversity, diversity of nations, cultures, common practices etc; whereas those with a globalist mindset seem to be hellbent upon destroying all of that.

#17 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-02
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

ol, "take your time before marrying them", you don't marry them at all, you just fuck em two or three times or otherwise have short-term relationships with them ( 3 months maximum )

I don't know where my ex-wife is and I don't care. I lost about 50 per cents of my assets when I divorced but I got to keep the houses. She got a lot of cash and two cars.

Generally speaking, I agree with with your advice and warnings, but don't fucking marry ANY woman. MGTOW is the only future these days.

My wife never applied for British nationality because she only ever lives here because I am here.- but she does rather well out of her own efforts. Take at the moment it's 07.11 and she has not yet returned from her night-shift. I know that UKIP likes to sneeringly maintain 'she has done very well out of him!' But he will say just about anything. It's not my fault that the spicy chicken, whatever it was has gorn coldcold and has begun to curdle now his pensions have been willingly tossed into the pot in a vain attempt to ingratiate the woman.

Having said that I agree with you that stupid westerners generally get what they deserve...but you can be lucky

#18 Parent Curious - 2017-07-02
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

You write well.
Interesting thoughts.
I still believe, though, that internationalism/globalism is the future, mostly because of technology.

#19 Parent John O'Shei - 2017-07-02
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

It's often said that unsuccessful people are more likely to resist change.

What worries me is that the young people on the left are always keen to state that older people with more conservative views are reluctant to accept change; yet are now the ones that can't accept that the end of the post WW2 globalism experiment may be coming. Some things just don't work out well and changes have to be made yet again; even though the current regime failed to fully complete all of their objectives. 70 odd years is very short time as far as the history of human civilisation is concerned.

So who's really resisting change? Are the incumbent public resisting changes being imposed by the elites or are the elites resisting the change in mood coming from a disgruntled populace?

It's really hard to tell these days.

We will never go back to the glory days, but I wish that young people would find new ways to win again rather than feeling guilty about past success. It's not as though Western civilisation, capitalism and colonialists 'cheated' when the global battle for control resources and future influence took place; we were just superior and won most of the battles.

#20 Parent Curious - 2017-07-02
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

"Just settle for being American, half of the world might constantly laugh at you,"

It is Amazing what trump has done to America in just 5 months.

#21 Parent John O'Shei - 2017-07-02
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

And just remember: No matter how much you kiss the arse of that nation, they'll never grant you citizenship.

Just settle for being American, half of the world might constantly laugh at you, but at least you've got it going much better than most countries on the planet.

There's actually parts of the world that prioritise their own native races above all others, hence you'll never qualify as a citizen even if you live there for the rest of your days. Why aren't those lefty people calling the leaders of those countries racist yet?

#22 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-02
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

lol, "take your time before marrying them", you don't marry them at all, you just fuck em two or three times or otherwise have short-term relationships with them ( 3 months maximum )

I don't know where my ex-wife is and I don't care. I lost about 50 per cents of my assets when I divorced but I got to keep the houses. She got a lot of cash and two cars.

Generally speaking, I agree with with your advice and warnings, but don't fucking marry ANY woman. MGTOW is the only future these days.

#23 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-02
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

Nurses could be good short term GF's, I agree, problem is they are usually on low incomes, it is hard for them to support themselves well.

A woman who needs financial support , especially in the long term is a burden and will cause stress for men. If you could get a nurse GF to just rent and share household expenses with you that could work out. Most women though don't want a simple life, they want a big house and a luxury car and expect men to pay for it.

An Asian nurse GF might be ok for a while. No, will never look for any woman in Australia to be a wife, nurse or otherwise.

Australian women, including Asian Australian women are useless, entitled, and have zero value for any man.

#24 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-02
Re: Britain HAS gone to the dogs.

I am not a big fan of austerity. There is certain infrastructure a country needs regardless of whether the budget is balanced or not.

Cracking down on genuine welfare bludgers and making multi-national corporations pay their fair share of tax is a good start.

I see from July 1 the Australian Government is cracking down on large corporations who don't pay their fair share of tax.

I hope this rule will be strictly enforced and this is not just propaganda to keep voters happy.

#25 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-02
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

Young Asian women usually befriend westerners because they seek a western nationality and eventually a lucrative divorce settlement.

You know this only too well re your ex Thai wife.

I bet she's still in Oz and re-married there. You served her two main purposes!

There's another regular poster from Blighty with a much younger Asian wife who now has UK nationality. She's done very well out of him.

Western males, beware of Asian women, especially if you are much older than them. Don't be tricked by them. Take you time before marrying them. Make sure they aren't gold-diggers and/or looking to become western nationals through marriage.

#26 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-02
Re: The West has gone to the dogs.


It doesn't matter if the polies are on the left or on the right or in the centre, they are all prostitutes to a greater or to a lesser extent!

That's really sad!

More and more western citizens are becoming aware of this.

However, I think you have the morality and intelligence to be an excellent politician.

#27 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-02
Re: Britain HAS gone to the dogs.

Brits in low-paid jobs are very poor compared to those in most professions. The wealth gap has become larger and larger.

Most protestors seek a more equitable society. They are also against further austerity measures.

There will have been both pro and anti Brexit people marching in solidarity to protest against the government's austerity plans.

They all want politicians to put the country's interests before political party interests.

I think Brexit will impoverish the country for some years to come. Many jobs in Blighty will be lost in the next few years.

If I were to return to Blighty in the next year or two, I'd choose NI to relocate to. Lame duck Theresa May has been forced to provide NI with additional Treasury funds in order to get the support of the Northern Irish Unionist MPs in the London parliament to keep her government afloat during votes on crucial issues, such as her government's annual Blighty budget proposals.

#28 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-02
Re: The West has gone to the dogs.

Almost ALL politicians prostitute themselves to big business interests at one stage or another even if they claim they don't.

The thing is that "money talks", it is never going to change.

#29 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-02


#30 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-02
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

Nursing is a profession in the west that trains young women of inferior intellect to obey ward sisters and do menial and unpleasant work in hospital wards for low pay.

Nurses with a touch of beauty target male doctors as marriage candidates. Those of lesser beauty make great wives for men like you and me who like to dominate their wives. We are intellectually superior to nurses, most of whom treat their husbands very well, just like a loyal servant of a rich man.

If you later tire of Thailand, you can return to Oz to find the kind of woman I have described to become you wife.

#31 Parent Curious - 2017-07-02
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

17% of voters according to the latest PEW poll said that they do not like the health care bill.
Below is one more example. There are many, many, many.
And yes, pushing the old people out of health care is part of trump's plan. Doesn't matter to them if the old folks worked a lot and paid a lot of taxes: trump team has no compassion.

Nationwide, about 80 rural hospitals have closed since 2010, according to the Chartis Center for Rural Health. Another 673 rural hospitals are in danger of shutting their doors. Many providers worry that the newly proposed health care legislation -- and in particular its proposed cuts to Medicaid -- could push a number of hospitals over the edge.
#32 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-01
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

This seems hard to understand. I wonder what the reasoning behind this would be. Is it because older people are seen to be contributing less to the economy and paying less or tax in their old age?

That seems to be a bit stupid if true as these people contributed all their life.

Maybe an Australian Medicare system would work in the USA. Medicare does work, but like I said it is open to abuse and people who have contributed nothing to it often still benefit from it.

Possibly your health care system is a systematic failure, just like the Australian taxation system is a systematic failure and unfair.

And, BTW, why do these premiums have to be so expensive? Seems ridiculous.

#33 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-01
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

You seem to be a stressed out little wumao like I've said before. Now I've told you what to do in the past. Save your money so you can buy an airline ticket to Bangkok and head on down to Pattaya.

I'm sure a week in Soi 6 will leave you feeling relaxed and stress free!

Interesting, last night, an Australian still stuck in boring and crappy ol Nanning City sent me a few We Chat messages asking me where the "best whores" in Nanning are. 70 year old, he wanted to know where to get a good twenty something for 500 rmb.

I nearly dropped the phone in a fit of laughter.

I told him that Nanning women are just trash and scum, that goes for both working girls and regular girls ( who are just high priced whores anyway )

Then I told him to hurry up and divorce his bitch of a Chinese wife and get his arse down to Patts asap.


#34 Parent Curious - 2017-07-02
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

Is it a way for people to say they don't want Brexit?

#35 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-02
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

Thousands march on Parliament in anti-government protest.

About time too!


#36 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-02
Re: The West has gone to the dogs.

I think you should enter Aussie politics.

At least we can depend on you not to prostitute yourself to major business interests, unlike the majority of western politicians!

#37 Parent Curious - 2017-07-01
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

In the last 10 days, there was somewhere online a nice map of the country showing where older people would be most affected, but I can't find it.

I attached part of an article about how the health care bill would hurt old people. For people 60-64 for example, premiums would increase by $18,000. Keep in mind that the average income of an average retired person is between 40,000 and 60,000. A lot of older people only get social security, maybe $15,000-25,000 (I am not sure, but $18,000 increase takes a HUGE part of the income of an older person, if not all of it).

#38 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-01
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

Yes, we have Medicare, the Australian system is considered to be world class. However this system gets abused. Most new immigrants get a Medicare Card as soon as they arrive in Australia. Why should people who have never worked in Australia ( or USA or UK ) get free health care? I mean, if you have not paid income tax or GST in that country? Free healthcare is not free, somebody must pay for it. The amount provided should be in proportion to the amount of tax a person has paid in that country. As for Trump pricing out old people, if that is true that is strange, as older people are likely to have paid the most tax. 800 billion, a lot of money, could be spent on roads, airports, rail, etc, I suppose you need to wait and see what it will be spent on.

#39 Parent BeenThere - 2017-07-01
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

Not what the OP said

#40 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-01
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

At least Hitler was a patriot. You put the interests of China ( a communist totalitarian state ) ahead of the interests of the USA. Says a lot about you.

#41 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-01
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

Well said. You are one of the few posters on here with any common sense. You are right, the UK is already full of freeloading parasites from Africa, Asia, and other parts of Europe. The last thing needed is more incentive for immigrants to bludge off the UK taxpayer.

#42 Parent Arthur - 2017-07-01
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

What about the Scandinavian model where everybody gets health care? And more and more, a guaranteed minimum income. It seems to be working very well for them, no?

#43 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-01
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

I doubt that The NHS would work in USA. Anyway I don't think America should be bogged down with scroungers and hangers on. I mean, do you really want blond bimbos from other countries funneling in to take advantage of free-baby-birth/maternity care. It's quite disgusting how the British government spends the tax payers money on dead-beats. And what about Asia's diabetics all heading for the UK- fancy a slice of that? Not to mention whole families of ten arriving for free Hepatitis B treatment. Not that there is much of a treatment.

My wife has never claimed a brass farthing off of the state, she has too much self-respect. Anyway, those are the rules 'no recourse to public funds' if you are a white Briton bringing in your wife. The same rules don't apply to whole iffy families who can shout loud enough "DISCRIMINATION!"

#44 Parent Arthur - 2017-07-01
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

Hi motives are written down in detail in the Senate Health Care Repeal and Replace Bill that failed to get 50% of the senators this week. All written down in detail where the money would be going, with no motives left to be inferred.

#45 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-01
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

Agreed. Therefore, trump's plan to prevent 32 million Americans from having healthcare in the next 20 years in order to give himself and the other rich people a large tax break, is evil, right?

I think he would dispute those motives.

#46 Parent Fifi - 2017-07-01
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

2 bottles per week.... is it on the high side of OK? But I guess it only comes down to one small glass per day. One drink per day seems to be accepted as safe.

Binge drinking would not be safe though (is not safe for anybody).

#47 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-01
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

I appreciate the poetry, but please don't miss a heart beat for Turnoi, Taffy. Focus on the nice things in life.

By the way, did you have a look at that series of links to studies that were posted here some 3-4 weeks ago about about wine being good for your health after a heart attack (if drank in moderation of course). It's quite reassuring.

Actually the doctor brought up the subject of drink yesterday, he is obviously keen on the benefits. I think 2 bottles of wine spaced out over the week is okay? I have not had any alcohol since two bottles of Dali beer on 13th May, the day before being hospitalised.

#48 Parent Fifi - 2017-07-01
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

I appreciate the poetry, but please don't miss a heart beat for Turnoi, Taffy. Focus on the nice things in life.

By the way, did you have a look at that series of links to studies that were posted here some 3-4 weeks ago about about wine being good for your health after a heart attack (if drank in moderation of course). It's quite reassuring.

#49 Parent Arthur - 2017-07-01
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

Agreed. Therefore, trump's plan to prevent 32 million Americans from having healthcare in the next 20 years in order to give himself and the other rich people a large tax break, is evil, right?

#50 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-01
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

Turnoi is not still around to put you in your place on that one - again.

Don't you be so sure- just thought I heard him drawing in a tasty slither of slime with his proboscis, when you said that. No disrespect meant to him mind. Just wonder how many cocooned missing posters are plastered to the Victorian brickwork down some sewage works. Makes my heart miss a beat.

#51 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-01
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

All people should avail of free health care while they are in a country.

#52 Parent Latina in LA - 2017-07-01
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

In 20 years, 32 million people more would have no medical care under his repeal of Obamacare. Taffy and Silverboy: You have medicare in your countries, right? I know that the UK has medicare for all. Not too sure about Australia but I think you have medicare for all also.

So.... you want 32 million people NOT to have it in their country? And old people to be priced out of it because they would have to pay 5 times more than young people under trump's plan?

And Taffy and SB, since you are so smart, do you know where the savings of some $800 billion (something in that range for 20 years) would go?

As a tax reduction for the very rich.

This would help social stability, right?

What you want, right?

#53 Parent heretosay - 2017-07-01
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

Next thing you'll be praising Hitler again. Unfortunately, Turnoi is not still around to put you in your place on that one - again.

What a poor excuse for a human you are. You're just a fat ass troll not even worthy of taking bread with Trump's "basket of deplorables."

#54 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-01
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

Correct. The United Kingdom has gone to the dogs. Australia is not far behind IMO. We have let the scum of the earth into our countries, eg, hordes of Muslim and African rapists, terrorists, and drug dealers.

Illegal immigrants and refugees should be treated as the criminals that they are.

Trump has got the right idea in the USA, but needs to extend his travel bans to twenty or thirty other countries.

I'm sure many older Brit's pine for a return to the stylish and glorious and civilized days of the British Empire when the non-white races knew their place in the scheme of things.

A good answer ,SB, you are spot on- a good post.

#55 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-01
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

Correct. The United Kingdom has gone to the dogs. Australia is not far behind IMO. We have let the scum of the earth into our countries, eg, hordes of Muslim and African rapists, terrorists, and drug dealers.

Illegal immigrants and refugees should be treated as the criminals that they are.

Trump has got the right idea in the USA, but needs to extend his travel bans to twenty or thirty other countries.

I'm sure many older Brit's pine for a return to the stylish and glorious and civilized days of the British Empire when the non-white races knew their place in the scheme of things.

#56 Parent Taffy - 2017-06-27
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

3- So, where do you start, yourself, to make Britain a better place for your daughter? Don't duck the question this time. You are being watched.

Thank you for putting me right on 'Aspergers'

It's probably too late to halt the decline of The United Kingdom. We have all been sitting around too long watching the country heap up it's own funeral pyre. There's no longer any patriotism to keep things together- in fact no longer reason for patriotism.

However, we can hope that as the country inevitably declines further, occasionally the yobs, like the ones bullying Susan Boyle will get what's coming to them. I will do what I can- speak out on this forum- speak out on a chance meeting with the postman today- I shall speak out in the convenience store. I shall speak out like all common men should be speaking out. It won't be my fault if others are keeping quiet.

#57 Parent Curious - 2017-06-26
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

1- Susan has Asperger's. I would not call it a mind-destroying disease; it is a developmental problem only, like autism. It's not something that keeps increasing like Alzheimer's. Despite Asperger's and maybe even because of it, Susan is a great lady.

2- There is bullying all over the world. There are hooligans everywhere. i remember a few years ago, a lot of young British soccer fans were prevented from attending the World Cup games in Europe after what they did in France.

3- So, where do you start, yourself, to make Britain a better place for your daughter? Don't duck the question this time. You are being watched.

#58 Parent Taffy - 2017-06-26
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

Meanwhile, China keeps occupying the void left every day by the US in international affairs.

I see your train of thought. So China occupies said 'void' every day, only to vacate it at night in order to reoccupy on the morrow! Crafty bastards, hahaha!

#59 Parent Taffy - 2017-06-26
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

I'd heard about her, but until I heard your link I never realised how good she was- thanks for that, Fifi.

#60 Parent Taffy - 2017-06-26
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

Where do you - yourself, Taffy - start? How do you break the feeling of powerlessness and start doing something that will help make Britain a better place in the decades to come?

Well, Curious, I think only commenting on World-Stage-Characters can be a bit of a get-out. Today I have tried to comment on bullying and unfairness in Britain's ordinary communities. In the past I have commented on communities of young girls used as sex items by people from abroad but operating inside the UK.

You're a bit of a smart-arse, aren't you, so where do we go to from here now you have made a total shambles on the important issue of a middle-aged woman suffering from a mind-destroying disease being terrorised by a gang of yobs?

#61 Parent Curious - 2017-06-26
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

The new US Supreme Court, with its recent trump appointee (i.e. conservative) Gorsuch, will sure send the US to the dogs, if anything is left of the US after the trump administration's first term.

I heard last week a US politician say that the Democrats now face 2 choices in how they spend their time: a) Keep hating trump, or b) Look for ways to win elections.

The temptation to keep hating trump is S T R O N G. But it's going nowhere. Month after month all is does is burn the liver. We better start looking for ways to bring America back towards the center by winning elections at all levels. Looking for inspiration in all directions, my question to you, Taffy, is: How can individual voters, for example like you in the UK, who feel that Britain has gone to the dogs, help make Britain a better place? Where do you - yourself, Taffy - start? How do you break the feeling of powerlessness and start doing something that will help make Britain a better place in the decades to come?

#62 Parent Curious - 2017-06-26
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

Our 2 countries share the same type of tearing apart. It makes us weak to face Russia's assaults on our voting system, news media, etc.

Meanwhile, China keeps occupying the void left every day by the US in international affairs.

#63 Parent Taffy - 2017-06-26
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

I also love Susan Boyle.
She has to be protected.
I cried the first 43 times (I am not joking) I watched her 2009 video on Britain's Got Talent. I still enjoy this video very much but I no longer cry, the hole in my heart that this video was slowly filling has finally healed. Thank you, Susan. Be safe. You are loved.

Britain is sadly not a place that protects its people any longer. If Susan had been a foreigner it would be all viewed much more seriously- not that I blame the foreigner for that enigma.

#64 Parent Taffy - 2017-06-26
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

love Susan Boyle.
She is one of my heroes.
Those kids have to leave her alone!

We have to start gaoling parents for the errors of their offspring. I am talking about 20 years a piece for child and parent for such cowardly acts. That's 300 years in gaol I make it. That should keep the prisons empty after a few sentences.

#65 Parent Fifi - 2017-06-26
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

I also love Susan Boyle.
She has to be protected.
I cried the first 43 times (I am not joking) I watched her 2009 video on Britain's Got Talent. I still enjoy this video very much but I no longer cry, the hole in my heart that this video was slowly filling has finally healed. Thank you, Susan. Be safe. You are loved.

#66 Parent Curious - 2017-06-26
Re: Britain gone to the dogs.

I love Susan Boyle.
She is one of my heroes.
Those kids have to leave her alone!

Taffy - 2017-06-26
Britain gone to the dogs.


Susan Boyle, the singer who shot to fame on Britain's Got Talent, has been subjected to a campaign of insults and intimidation, it emerged today.

A gang of up to 15 youths have targeted the 56-year-old in her hometown of Blackburn, West Lothian. In one incident the gang, mainly boys, set light to paper and threw it at her.

A spokesman for the 56-year-old singer, who suffers from Asperger's Syndrome, told the Sunday Mirror they were planning to call in police to ensure her safety.

It's news like this, the saddest indications of all that a country has gone to the dogs

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