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#1 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-06
Re sao3 mu4 jie2.

Some of this stuff really belongs on a personal blog, doesn't it? Just saying

Re-recruiting old posters of this site wouldn't have done a very good job on some personal blog now would it hahaha. Nice to see you back.

#2 Parent Rhodes - 2017-04-06
Re sao3 mu4 jie2.

Some of this stuff really belongs on a personal blog, doesn't it? Just saying.

#3 Parent Wu - 2017-03-31
Re: sao3 mu4 jie2.

You make fun of tomb day, where do you lived?

Alias Taffy - 2017-03-30
sao3 mu4 jie2.

We all hope to have a ‘Happy Sweeping Tombs Day’ 扫墓节 sao3 mu4 jie2. But like Christmas it can be sad when we fondly recall the posters no longer with us. Real characters like- Turnoi- San Migs- Ftin PRC/Trumpsey- Foxy-cunninglinguist- heretosay-John O’Shei and the rest.

My Tombs Day wish would be that next week we could have an Omnibus edition of this forum, inviting all those worthies back to contribute for the day. How about it lads?

I'm pissed off actually since my wife's boss thinks she should work this Saturday to make up in advance for 扫墓节

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