Return to Index › Tax - Teachers Discussion
#1 Parent Yingwen Laoshi - 2006-09-08
Thanks, everybody! - Teachers Discussion

For everyone who replied, a big thank you!


That link, you provided was excellent. It couldn't have been more useful! Thanks buddy!


Great advice. Why didn't I think of that. You're correct, the embassy is surely the best place to go for this sort of matter. I will call them as soon as I can. Appreciated!


Thanks for your input too. I think you're right, everything including overtime is taxed together.

Much appreciated all. Everything is a lot clearer, now.


#2 Parent JJ - 2006-09-07
Hope this helps - Teachers Discussion *Link*

This probably answers your questions!! If you earn over 4800 a month then you pay tax on anything above that, this includes overtime and, I believe, bonuses paid!!

#3 Parent Wendy - 2006-09-07
Tax - Teachers Discussion

There is a very easy formula for calculating taxes here in China. I am not sure at what salary you must be earning to be deducted tax. It is around 4000 yuan. You are only taxed on your gross monthly income as far as I know. I hope this is helpful and please anyone correct me if any of my information here is wrong.

Yingwen Laoshi - 2006-09-07
Tax - Teachers Discussion

The issue of paying tax in China has suddenly reared it's ugly head! Well, for ME at least!

Maybe I'm just lucky, but out of six schools that I've worked for in China I've only so far payed tax in the one private school that I worked in. Now, two schools that I'm considering working for state that I will have to pay tax, and one of them is a government school (although I'm not sure if that has any relevance). So, could anybody answer the following questions?:

1.What amount can a foreign teacher in China earn a month, before being taxed?

2.After that amount has been exceeded, what percentage of tax has to be paid by FTs?

3.Can schools legally tax us on money earned from overtime work?

4. Is there a clear national law regarding this issue that transcends provincial boundaries?

5. Are tax laws regarding foreign workers being changed or are they just being more stringently enforced?

Quite a few for you! Yes I'm quite naive on this subject (paying tax is neither a hobby or habit of mine), so I really need some help. If anybody can answer any of the above it would be appreciated. I know it's a pretty boring subject, but I think if all FTs new the answers to the above questions it would be of great practical help!



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