Return to Index › Kids Castle - Teachers Discussion
#1 Parent Dragana - 2015-11-16
Re: Kid Castle Xi'an China - Teachers Discussion
#2 Parent Dragana - 2015-11-16
Re: Kid Castle Xi'an China - Teachers Discussion

Kid Castle in Xian - apparently they've started recruiting non-native speakers now. Do the names W[edited] E[edited] and C[edited] mean anything to you?

#3 Parent Tami - 2015-11-09
Re: Kid Castle Xi'an China - Teachers Discussion

Good Day Ruan

I am rather shocked at the first reviews. I have recently signed a 1 year teaching contract at Kid Castle in Xi'an through a woman named Cherry. We had a brief skype interview and she seemed lovely. I am now a bit worried after reading the complaints. Could you please let me know if I have indeed picked a good school.

Kind Regards

#4 Parent Twice Shy - 2015-08-16
Xi'an is notorious

Xi'an is just like Zhengzhou, Putian, Xiamen, Guangzhou, and others. Xi'an has a reputation around the internet for these types of companies and the abuse of teachers.

#5 Parent Joe - 2015-08-12
Re Kids Castle - Teachers Discussion

Well done for being brave enough to share your experiences with us!

#6 Parent Mr Laoshi - 2014-12-15
Re: Kid Castle Xi'an China - Teachers Discussion

Is there anyone who's teaching at this branch in Xi'an at the moment and can tell me if there still problems? I have the opportunity to go and work for this school but after reading this thread I'm not that sure anymore, but on the other hand the complaint post are a 7-5 years old so maybe they improved?

#7 Parent Steven - 2014-05-08
Re: Kid Castle Xi'an China - Teachers Discussion

Celeste is her name

#8 Parent t p synn001 - 2014-05-07
Re: Kid Castle Xi'an China - Teachers Discussion

I am thinking of going for a job at Kids Castle in xiaan ....was the womans name celeste? or linda?


#9 Parent SKeane - 2012-12-05
(Message Deleted by Poster)
#10 Parent Ruan Burnett - 2012-07-29
Re: Kid Castle Xi'an China - Teachers Discussion

"there is no real reason for you to talk good about a business you're no longer at. It is very rare anywhere in the world for anyone to have such a positive experience that they would somehow relate it to the company that they had worked at"

Really? You wouldn't speak well of companies you have worked for in the past? Then I feel for you and the situations you found yourself in. I gladly speak well of my old company and old boss because they went out of their way to make my time in Xi'an easy and enjoyable. And if I speak well of the school that, of course, implies that I enjoyed the job, thus that I enjoyed the company of the people around me. Sure, any business is orientated around money, but there's a difference between companies that squeeze every single penny out the situation and companies that make money because they do a good job and are worth the money you pay. The Kid Castle I worked at never sacrificed quality for the sake of money. Believe that or not, I really don't care.

I spoke my mind about the Kid Castle I worked for in Xi'an because I had an awesome time there. If you can't understand that then maybe you should consider different employment.

Like I said in my original post, if you are considering a job in Xi'an for Kid Castle, feel free to email me. I'm not some "lackey" [as posted before as a possible reason for my opinions], I'm merely a teacher who enjoyed his time at his school.

#11 Parent San Migs - 2012-04-06
Re: Kid Castle Xi'an China - Teachers Discussion

Well Ruan, businesses operate mainly for profit, and whatever noble goals that these "educators" had in mind in the beginning eventually got put on the backburner after the cash started to flow in. When there is no adequate system that monitors financial and economic problems caused by human nature you will have wild wild west situations like what's happening in China.

I would agree. I have met more than a few fellow brits (sadly) who have sold their souls to profit from the private/training education sector in China in one way or another, be it as DOS, teacher or owner.

It is sad that they did come to china with noble goals like you mentioned, but those all got waylaid in a blur of making money, going home once a year, and generally boozing it up in China. I would agree it is wild west capitalism, nothing more.

#12 Parent San Migs - 2012-04-06
Re: Kid Castle Xi'an China - Teachers Discussion

. I was never treated unfairly, I was never paid late, I was never made to feel like a second-class employee or a replaceable cog in a machine. My boss, and the school as a whole, always treated me with the utmost respect.

This sounds very suss to me, and those who always work at training centres type comments like this.

Why should we believe you? How do we know you are not a paid lackey for that taiwanese boss?

#13 Parent Dragonized - 2012-04-05
Re: Kid Castle Xi'an China - Teachers Discussion

Well Ruan, businesses operate mainly for profit, and whatever noble goals that these "educators" had in mind in the beginning eventually got put on the backburner after the cash started to flow in. When there is no adequate system that monitors financial and economic problems caused by human nature you will have wild wild west situations like what's happening in China. Unfortunately it is also a fact that generally speaking people don't learn from their mistakes, and this business calling itself a "school" hasn't made any reparations whatsoever to the teachers it has mistreated nor has it changed its own behavior.

You'd best be careful defending places like these, there is no real reason for you to talk good about a business you're no longer at. It is very rare anywhere in the world for anyone to have such a positive experience that they would somehow relate it to the company that they had worked at. It should be the people or the students whom you had a good time interacting with, and you haven't really said anything about that. Are you sure you really had a positive experience there?

#14 Parent Ruan Burnett - 2012-04-05
Re: Kid Castle Xi'an China - Teachers Discussion

I've read many, many, many complaints about Kid Castle saying how horribly they treat their employees (the ones in Xi'an, especially), but I can honestly say that that isn't always the case. When I was fresh out of University I grabbed the first job teaching English in China that I could find. This job happened to be at a Kid Castle. For the year that I lived and worked in Xi'an I had a blast, a lot of that due to the school or the people I met through the school. With regards to Kid Castle in Xi'an, there is something that people SHOULD know, but they tend not to. Most Kid Castles in Xi'an are run by a Chinese women whose name I can't recall at this point in time. Most, if not all, complaints lodged against Kid Castle, Xi'an, are from foreigner teachers who worked at one of her schools. Myself, I worked at a Kid Castle owned by a Taiwanese man named Eric. Eric owns several schools, his wife, Sara owns 1 Language School, and their good friend, Michael, also owns a couple of schools in Xi'an. If you are fortunate enough to be employed by one of these, then you won't have much to complain about. I was never treated unfairly, I was never paid late, I was never made to feel like a second-class employee or a replaceable cog in a machine. My boss, and the school as a whole, always treated me with the utmost respect.

My main reason for posting this so far down the line (worked at Kid Castle about 2 and a half years ago) is that my old boss is having a very hard time finding new teachers, precisely because of this prevailing opinion about Kid Castle in Xi'an. In 4 months my contract in Taiwan at HESS is finished, then I'm returning to Xi'an, back to Kid Castle. That is how much I enjoyed teaching there. I'd hate to think that people would miss out on a great experience merely because there is an unfair about about Kid Castle (as a whole) floating around.

So, please, if you're looking for employment in Xi'an, don't just dismiss Kid Castle straight off the bat. There are some awesome branches out there.

If you have come across a job for teaching at Kid Castle, send me a message and I'll check if it's for a good school, or one of the crappy ones. And if you don't take my word for it I can direct you to several other people who share my feelings about Kid Castle.

#15 Parent Yingwen Laoshi - 2009-07-07
You "Complied?"

You don't seem to realize that FTs like yourselves, being "respectful and compliant" to an employer who wouldn't urinate on you if you were on fire, are helping to perpetuate their actions. While I very much sympathize, the following questions need to be asked:-

If there were a wide range of options in the very city in which you were getting taken for a ride, why pray, did you not tell your employer to "stick his job where the Sun doesn't shine", and avail yourselves of one of those options?

How can they "Force" adult professional teachers to work six days when the contract says five?

Why did you even sign the contract in the first place once you knew it was different from that which you received back home?

As there are posts in this thread clearly stating that this school is a nightmare to work for, why did you even consider going to Kid Castle, anyway?

Do you not realize that corrupt school owners in China, cackle and rub their hands in glee when they catch sight of FTs "eager...to perform their best" for a dishonest and corrupt employer whose sole intention is to exploit you every day that you work for them?

Were you and your husband born with masochistic tendencies or did you acquire them later in life?

If the previous warnings about this school were unheeded by yourselves:"Two fully qualified, hard-working, dedicated teachers" do you think that this post will be much help in stopping this school from carrying on with its cheating agenda?

Do you think your employer respected you more or less for "Enduring painful working conditions"?

Do you think that ANYBODY should respect you for allowing somebody to treat you like a piece of cloth used to wipe the toilet seat?

How can conditions that you described such as, "No gas for months, no curtains, no heating, toilet issues" be described as a "Fantastic home"?

As the old Cockneys back in London used to say:

"Are you real?"

FTs like yourselves are part of the problem, not the solution.

#16 Parent Turino - 2009-07-07
Re: Spread The Word! - Teachers Discussion

I reckon you've got the patience of Job,and that you didn't do your homework re fair contracts with independent arbitration before coming here.Kid's Castle is a castle in the air!Oh dear,I shouldn't have said that.Masybe I'll be sued,God forbid....lol!
By the way,being taken for a ride by bottom feeders like that doesn't bode well for those who go there after you!Indeed,you've set the Chinese bosses of that disreputable employer a good example how to cheat naive louwai and get away with it.Well done!

#17 Parent bishopboss - 2009-07-07
Re: Spread The Word! - Teachers Discussion

I can confirm that the horror stories about Xi'an kid castle are true.

My husband and I are fully qualified, hard working and dedicated ESL teachers. We were eager to start work at Kid Castle Xi'an and although it was immediately apparent that we had stepped into an unfavourable position, we were determined to perform our best and enjoy China.

Our story is LONG and I don't really want to go into it but here are a few of our biggest issues.

- Forced to work 6 days a week (signed up for 5)
- Pay cuts with no notification or reason
- Not paid for correct level of qualification. I was being paid as one of the lowest grades of teacher and I had a University degree, Post Graduate Educational studies Major in ESL, more than 12 months prior experience ESL teaching (adults and children).
- No full airfare reimbursment or bonuses (as in contract)
- staff members accessing apartment while no-one was home
- repairs not fixed (No gas for months, no curtains, no heating, toilet issues)
- No support for foreign teachers (No help with language barrier, to set up gas, heating, how to pay bills, medical issues)
- forced to work through holiday breaks
- Had to apply to owner for permission to travel during holiday breaks
- Contract different to what was originally signed in home country
- Threats and coersion used to deal with foreign teachers
- etc etc etc

Although we endured painful working conditions we always complied and acted respectibly. China and the city of Xi'an were a fantastic home for us while we were there. Knowing that there are a wide range of options for teachers we hope that foreign teachers will continue to choose to work in Xi'an.... But best to AVOID KID CASTLE!

#18 Parent Karen - 2007-07-12
Kid Castle Xi'an China - Teachers Discussion

All of the terrible stories you read about Kid Castle Xi'an China are true. I had the great misfortune of working there. They treat some foreign teachers like crap and some others are favorites. If they can rip you off, they will as they did me. Their Chinese English teachers are for the most part not good at speaking or properly pronouncing words. One of the teachers was so jealous of the money that foreign teachers make, which is about 4 times what they make, that she tried to sabotage me, lying to the principal about me. She said things like her and her friend were doing all my work for me. It is pretty impossible to do that when they spent about 95% of their day playing on the computer while I worked.

Instead of running the school themselves, the owners let parents dictate how it will be run because that's where the money is. They lie to the parents which causes unnecessary trouble. Most of the foreign teachers are fine, with a few exceptions. One night I came out of an internet cafe and saw them with a Chinese teacher and went up to say hello. They must have thought I was stalking them or something because the next day they were supposed to pick me up to go to a wedding and never showed or called. I wasn't stalking. I was talking online to my boyfriend. They never called to explain and I never called them. I figured if they would do something like that, then they are not worth my time.

I could go on and on, but please be warned. Do Not work for this school, or you will be sorry.

#19 Parent Teacher - 2006-11-14
Concern - Teachers Discussion

Obviously l'm very concerned about the email regarding Kid's Castle and unfortunate that l have to read the email after signing a contract with this school. The comments are true. The apartment isn't what was expected and the details about what happend to you are disturbing to read. I would have reacted the same way. I'm not putting my details up for obvious reasons but l'm keeping an eye open for anything dodgey coming my way whilst here in China teaching for this School.

#20 Parent Frank - 2006-08-28
BlakeS's evolving nightmare - Teachers Discussion

Thanks KS for offering BlakeS's very powerful, persuasive, and troubling story to us. I hope many will read this, and as Raoul said, spread the word about Kids Castle.

Did you inform BlakeS that ESLTB readers are learning of his Kids Castle nightmare experience as well?

I hope this story will finally convince the prolific "doubter" who posts here under numerous aliases (Hi, John/Dave/Dave John/another foreigner/Chuck/Bucky!), that the mental and physical threats and abuse FTs often face in China are all too real.

#21 Parent Raoul Duke - 2006-08-28
Visa Details for the Horror Story - Teachers Discussion *Link*

My God, KS! What a horrible ordeal!
It must have been bad if you're actually recommending people work for places like EF or Aston... :b

I'm mainly writing to amplify and refine a bit about the residence permits and work permits. KS is absolutely right in saying you should never let a school talk you into surrendering your documents at exit, or converting to a lesser visa. You can't refuse a request from the police to see your papers, but you definitely can and should keep them away from a school. No matter what they might tell you, the school can only cancel your visa or residence permit if they physically have it in their possession. Unless it's cancelled, you should be able to live on it until it expires.

To transfer a residence permit to a new school, you must have a release letter from your old school. If you've completed your contract and settled your affairs, the school can't legally refuse to give you this...but once in a while they will anyway. Of course, in a situation like KS describes there isn't a chance in hell that you'll get a release letter. Without it, you can't transfer your docs to a new school. As the old docs expire you have to step out of the country (usually Hong Kong) and re-enter on a new one. You have to go through the physical, the invitation letter...the whole bit all over again.

I'm also advised that in some provinces, if you don't have a release letter your old employer can block any new employment or applications for a residence permit, apparently indefinitely. So if you're forced to bolt a school as KS was, you may have to be prepared for a big move as well.

Kids Castle operates schools all over China, and I've never heard a kindly word about any of them. I'm with KS in advising that you give this one a miss.

#22 Parent Raoul Duke - 2006-08-28
Spread The Word! - Teachers Discussion

By the way, KS, one last thing...

This really is a terrible, terrible story you relate. Please do the world a favor and put it up in as many places as you can!

KS - 2006-08-28
Kids Castle - Teachers Discussion

This was posted by BlakeS on another site and I wish to passs it on to others.

Many of the people looking through these forums are first-time ESL teachers, taking what they can from everyone elses experiences and input to make an educated decision on where to work.

Hopefully this will help with where not to!

My first ESL teaching job was with a company called Kidcastle in Xi'an, Shaanxi, China. The owner of this school owns 7 schools in Xi'an and currently employees roughly 14 foreign teachers.

My employment started out fine. The school looked nice, my co-workers were very friendly and my students were great kids. All of this quickly took a turn for the worse....for myself and many other foreigners.

I signed a contract to work a 5-day schedule, as did most others. Myself and almost all other staff were later made to work 6 days. This included new-hire staff that were told they would work 5 days but when they arrived were told they would have to work 6 - plus many more classes that they weren't expecting. Of course, they are in China at this point and what are they to do? All of this, simply because the school could not or would not keep itself properly staffed, so everyone else was forced to pick up the slack to ensure all classes were covered.

Some of the teachers, understandably, just left (due to other problems, as well). Perhaps we all should have at that point. They gave decent notice and let the school know that this wasn't they signed on for and were going to pursue other opportunities. The school made them cancel their work visa before continuing with their journeys - by telling them they had to take their visa to the PSB and downgrade it to a tourist visa.

DONT LET YOUR SCHOOL DO THIS. For those in the know, these teachers met quite a shock when they were told they had to fly to Hong Kong in order to renew their work visas. For those of you not in the know: Your employer sponsors your work visa. All you need to do is notify your local PSB (Public Security Bureau) of the problems you are having and that you will be signing with a new school. The new school will then have your visa transferred to them or they will simply renew it for you. This way, you aren't required to leave the country (pretty much) to renew.

Anyway. I had negotiated a new salary to work 6 days. They had also offered me a position in the TAD (Teaching Affairs - Training) department. At this point, I was now working 6 days and training all of the new staff. Well, a month comes and goes and no new staff is hired, so I have no new staff to train. The school decides to cut my pay from 7200 Yuan to 5500 Yuan without notice or explanation. I tried to meet with the owner of the school many times, for an explanation, with no luck - until I finally left a note on his office door stating, "If we cannot get this issue resolved and I cannot be paid the agreed upon amount, myself and my girlfriend will have to seek employment elsewhere. I will have to notify the PSB of these and other continuing issues in order to do that.".

A meeting was scheduled shortly after.

In that meeting, a new salary was agreed upon an offer made by the school that I accepted. Of course, when it came time to sign the new contract, I was told they couldnt afford to pay me this amount (all of a sudden), even though it was more than 1000 Yuan less my previous pay. They wanted me to work more classes for the pay that had already been agreed upon. I notified Kidcastle Head Office (Kidcastle is a franchise) about this problem and they did absolutely nothing to help. I decided it was time to leave.

A few days later, my girlfriend receives a call. Not only are we not going to be paid our outstanding salary (which I didnt expect to get), we were expected to pay them money for outstanding bills. I told them they were welcome to take it out of our pay that we didnt receive.

We attempted to leave our apartment the next day. Unfortunately, the school had told our buildings security guards to inform them when we try to leave. Before we had the chance to get all of our bags out of the building, various members of Kidcastle staff showed up.

.and heres where it gets interesting.(and not just typical)

.one of them starts trying to steal our bags. I try to stop him and he finally puts down our bags just so he can make motions that he wants to fight me. Quite a crowd is developing by this point. He, then again, tries to steal our stuff. My girlfriend puts her hand out to stop him and he throws her into a wall. At the front of this building are 4 stairs leading down to the driveway. Im not a violent person, but at this point, I threw this person over our bags and down those stairs. There wasnt any more fighting after that.

Long story short. They called the police forced us to pay money that we owed them while still never receiving our outstanding pay. Another member of the Kidcastle staff told me, We can tell the police that you hit (name) but we dont have to tell them that he hit your girlfriend and everyone here will say the same thing. In other words, not only were they breaching contract, changing contracts without asking, stealing our money and assaulting my girlfriendthey were also trying to have me put in jail. Once again, all of this because I wouldnt accept my pay being changed without notice or reason.

If this was the only case of abuse at this school, I would simply write it off to them not liking me. And thats fine cant be everyones best friend. But unfortunately, it wasnt just us.

Another couple came down with some sort of respiratory tract infection very shortly after arriving in China. One member of the FAD (Foreign Affairs Dept) took them to the hospital but refused to translate what the doctor was saying. Later, outside of the hospital, she told them they were fine and should return to work. Not until another member of staff took them back did they find out that they did, in fact, have a serious infection that required medication (daily I.V.s) to treat.

There is the continual case of teachers agreeing to 1 contract while in their own country but when they get here they are told the terms have changed and they have more classes over more days - due to understaffing. Whether to save money or because they are just that unorganized....I don't know.

Another staff member was paying the school to have his apartment to himself. After months of this not being a problem, he was told he was going to have a roommate. He refused seeing as how this is what he has been paying them rent to avoid they told him he would have to pay them MORE or they were putting someone else in the apartment.

With the apartments, new teachers would arrive to apartments, which had very little that the contract stated it would. Toilets wouldnt work. There wouldnt be hot water. Things would break and would never be fixed. I once asked why it was taking so long for something to be fixed at a co-workers apartment and was told, Foreigners ask for too much. Why cant they just teach?

Teachers would call in sick, only to be greeted by the owner knocking at their door telling them they have to go to work. I didnt believe this until I called in sick one day and received a phone call telling me to go to work or Im fired even though our contracts clearly stated we had 5 sick off.paid. Now I know why everyone turned off their phones when they didn't go to work.

It was a never ending string of problems; a magicians scarf of problems. Some are not note-worthy and simply annoying but some are like the ones included here.

My main concern: Kidcastle Head Office did nothing to help.

I can tell you, Dont ever ever ever sign a contract with Kidcastle Xian and youre obvious response will be, No kidding.. As with other franchises, it is hit and miss with the schools. It all depends on the management. I am now working for a franchised school and have met the complaints manager. I know this school takes care of the teachers at its franchised locations. If there is a problem, which does happen from time to time, they do what they can to help. Kidcastle doesnt. Refuses. So, even though it is hit and miss if you miss there is no one there to help.

So Ill skip the obvious dont ever ever ever sign a contract with Kidcastle Xian and go the next step.

Dont ever sign with Kidcastle.

There are far too many schools with locations ALL throughout China such as, EF (English First), Aston English and many others.there is no need to take the risk. They all have similar contracts with similar pay, but you can be slightly more sure of your sanity and even your SAFETY with these schools. You cant be sure with any Kidcastle, knowing that if something goes wrong.youre on your own and being in a country where you probably dont speak the native language that isnt very comforting. Trust me. I know.

PS: After they were done trying to steal my bags and getting as much money out of me as possible, they told me that if I posted what happened online they would.and I said Youll what? What more could you possibly do?. They didnt seem to deem it fit to reply in front of police men or something along those lines but Ill keep you updated to what that what was. If anything.

Be safe, all.

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