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#1 Parent ScamKnight - 2016-03-21
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

I love how the bad English, weak language and jump to company performance screams Worlda troll. Lol.

#2 Parent TankEngine - 2016-03-20
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

But I just doubt about the reliability of those post[s] .... Who is
him [sic], what is his experience in that company, and, more importantly, what is his
performance in that company.

I WANT you to tell me my post "doesn't make sense."
I INVITE you to deny me the stuff I went through with "that company."
I DARE you to call me uneducated... without using the words "like," "actually," or "seem."

I had skipped through most of the post...

Typical. I'm sure you did...
#3 Parent Jerry L'épeire - 2016-03-19
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

I do enjoy how Carmen/Miah (which, by the way, are a pair of "borrowed" names from the new wave of arrived teachers) are picking at Dr. Turnoi and O'Shei, totally overlooking the people who actually HAVE worked at Worlda - like myself.

I am quiet agree with Carmen, I am not surprise that there are some people just with an
ulterior motive on this board.

It tickles me the image of 2 local Chinese colleagues in the HR office posting back and forth, seated a stone's throw from each other. (By the way, your neglect of the English language's past participles and fumbled sentence mechanics SCREAMS Chinglish. But I digress, as I don't suppose the two of you deny being Chinese.)

how come he argue like a child. How can I be convinced by
this kind of sentences.

Convinced of what? That the only reason why you're here is to gauge comments about Worlda to report back to HQ? Take a seat and allow me to humour you:

Phase 1 - Worlda's staff show up online around that time of year that schools have gotten tired of the rubbish service Worlda has been recklessly going about. Conveniently enough, that's around the same time FTs discover Worlda isn't nearly what it claimed to be. Upon realising they've been played like a Nintendo, they leave. Worlda panics and heads straight for the forums.

Phase 2 - If there's a comment here about the company, they forward it to HQ in hopes they can blindly "improve" whatever it was the poster posted about. Be it through swindling a foreigner into accidentally saying/doing something positive that promotes the company (eg: scripted reviews, that HR guy, etc.) or pretending to be a foreigner in the forums to "dispel the lies spat to black the company." That, or the future wave of FTs end up with a contract clause something along the lines of "Foreign teachers are not allowed to post about the company online unless they include a valid email address for us to track and impose contract penalty fees." Check.

Optional Phase 2 - If there's something severely revealing (eg: anything concerning money, contract discrepancies, lies upon lies upon lies, school drama, names), they go the Chinese route and ignore it hoping a meat wave will cover it up while the company formulates ways to distract future teachers from noticing.

Phase 3 - We show up and clean house.

Rinse and repeat until a group of foreigners can work through an entire year's contract without a single online post.

My foot's not even on the accelerator yet.


#4 Parent John. S. Miah - 2016-02-17
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

I am quiet agree with Carmen, I am not surprise that there are some people just with an ulterior motive on this board.
Like this Turnoi guy below, shutting, using bold characters, and the laughing "I don't care".......oh my god, how come he argue like a child. How can I be convinced by this kind of sentences.

#5 Parent carmen - 2016-02-15
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

I have also seen this John on many other pages in this forum, he is an active poster. But I guess he is not the competitor of Worlda, because I have seen him slandered other company as well, including some famous brands, and more importantly, China.

Read some more topics, you can see him everywhere and all talk about bad things about China. He and some other people who is at his side, are more like a ANTI-CHINA Alliance in this forum. They talked about economy, Chinese people, policy and custom, and every negative things about China.

As you see they very often using words like "crap" and "shit" and speaking in a very emotional tone, looks like not very well educated. They may been treated unfair in China, but I guess it is also because of their own personality problems.

#6 Parent John. S. Miah - 2016-02-14
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

I had skipped through most of the post, some of them make sense, but some of them are not.

But I just doubt about the reliability of those post, especially this John O' Shei. Who is him, what is his experience in that company, and, more importantly, what is his performance in that company.

It is very suspicious that this guy's first post is in 2013, it means for three years this guy is keep updating and attacking this company (as he mentioned about there are many post has been removed, there must be many post we cannot see), who will be this patient and doing things that is not beneficial anyway for himself. Unless he is from other company who is Worlda's competitor, and his main job is making stories and rumors about this Worlda by acting like its former teacher. If like this, then all the things make sense.

#7 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-01-26
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

This year, they can't even be bothered to practice damage control yet; foreign teachers are expressing concerns about them before they a sign a contract; never mind when they've just completed one and we are still yet to hear from Worlda's most loyal deechers.

We've just got to wait for them to make their annual/bi-annual appearance, which usually occurs when too many current teachers escape and not quite enough new victims will decide to join.

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