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Joseph Michael Reyes - 2013-05-25
In response to Web International English Feedback (Jackson)

I just started at Web in Taicang and I am already regretting my decision. First, everything I was promised when I interviewed was immediately taken off the table. For example, I was told by the manager Abbey Web would give me a housing allowance of RMB 2000. When I arrived it mysteriously changed to RMB 1500, which isn't enough to cover a decent apartment in Taicang. Next, I was told that Web would loan me the entire initially cost for an apartment (which is typically three months up front + one month security deposit + agent's fee of 1/2 a month's rent), but when I arrived Abbey began asking me how much money I had in my account. I asked her why she needed to know. She advised me that Web would only loan me the amount IT would determine I'd need. Right before I arrived, some other poor sap started. They told him the same thing about the rent. He made the mistake of telling them how much he had. Web offered to loan him just enough to cover the lease. He asked, "how am I going to eat during this time?" They then allowed him to keep RMB 1500 to get him through the next 32 days. For my predecessor, this had a snowball effect, as they botched his visa and sent him to HK. They initially covered the airfare, and told him to bring back receipts for reimbursement. The poor guy spent every last cent he had get his visa. When he returned, not only did they refuse to reimburse him, but they charged him for the airfare. The following month, they tried to send him back to HK for his Z visa without any of the required paperwork. He asked about the paperwork and they said they would mail it to him. He advised them that he wouldn't get on the plane unless the company advanced him the costs of the trip. This was reasonable as they again claimed they'd reimburse it. The refused and told him he'd been paid RMB 4300 so he should have at least RMB 3000 left over to spend. The added that after he exhausted all of his funds they'd consider loaning him additional funds as they saw fit. The guy ultimately walked, but seeing what he went through, and the enormous financial toll it took on him, I think I'll follow him once I line something else up. This place is horrible.

Messages In This Thread
Web International English Feedback -- Jackson -- 2012-02-28
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Re Web and favoritism based on ethnicity -- Silverboy -- 2018-03-29
Re: Web International English Feedback - Taicang -- Joseph Michael Reyes -- 2013-05-25
Re: Web International English Feedback - Taicang -- MikeK -- 2013-05-26
Re: Web International English Feedback - Taicang -- Collyhurst retired sewage worker -- 2013-05-25
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Re: Web International English Feedback -- Tim -- 2017-06-14
Re: Web International English Feedback -- caring -- 2017-06-18
Re: Web International English Feedback -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-15
Re: Web International English Feedback -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-15
Re: Web International English Feedback -- John O'Shei -- 2017-07-01
Re: Web International English Feedback -- Caring -- 2017-06-15
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