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UNCARING - 2018-03-29
In response to Re A Heavy Workload (= A Mug's Game) (Alias Taffy)

Yes, tidily compared, but there's another consideration to fling into the equation and that's if the FT's employer has contracts all over the shop, in which case the poor FT can spend many hours a day traveling between schools...and even taking in a teaching session on the 6th floor of somebody's flat where noisy-out-of-control-kids could be waiting. All of your schools and homes to visit during the day could be far-flung and difficult to find. Have you ever worked for an employer in China like that?

Yep, only once. I was working for a public college whose FAO department annoyed me by dilly dallying over the signing of the contract. One of the clauses said I'd be fired if I took a second job without first asking for and being granted permission to work for a second employer. As the contract hadn't been signed by the college, I took a second job out of spite @ a local language mill without telling the college FAO. Upon eventually receiving the countersigned contract, I resigned from my 2nd job at once, and apologized to the college FAO for having taught on the side, telling him I didn't want to be in breach of the contract. The FAO did in fact call the mill subsequently to determine whether or not I was still working there. The college gig lasted for 2 semesters, mission accomplished.

The second job was a bad one; it had many of the drawbacks you mention. The mill had lured too many FTs there. They were all tried out in rotation. In late September those deemed good teachers were given the correct documentation to complete a successful HK visa run during the Chinese National Week vacation. Meanwhile, the so-called ropey teachers were given the leader's best wishes, the heave and three days to vacate the mill's accommodation.

Be glad when Silverboy returns as he seems to offer the sort of topics that, curious, PRC and co want to answer.

Exactly. I am especially looking forward to his bar girl photos and his political incorrectness!

Messages In This Thread
A Heavy Workload (= A Mug's Game) -- UNCARING -- 2018-03-29
Re A Heavy Workload (= A Mug's Game) -- Alias Taffy -- 2018-03-29
Re A Heavy Workload (= A Mug's Game) -- Another Willie -- 2018-03-29
Re A Heavy Workload (= A Mug's Game) -- UNCARING -- 2018-03-29
Re A Heavy Workload (= A Mug's Game) -- UNCARING -- 2018-03-29
Re A Heavy Workload (= A Mug's Game) -- UNCARING -- 2018-03-29
Re A Heavy Workload (= A Mug's Game) -- Alias Taffy -- 2018-03-29
Re A Heavy Workload (= A Mug's Game) -- UNCARING -- 2018-03-29
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