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Alias Taffy - 2018-03-29

I think LG stands for London Girl, and that the discussion about her that Taffy is trying his damnedest to resurrect is a hoary old chestnut.

All I want to say is if any posters suspect others of being potential snitches, they should feed 'em false news. Any scumbag snitches lurking on the board will then be kept busy in a fruitless and time-wasting exercise trying to get their so-called internet friends into trouble.

Some of the stuff I have posted contains deliberate false information in order to frustrate scumbag snitches by giving 'em red herrings to pursue.

Hang on a bit, Foxy. It was either Silverboy or Turnoi or you maybe who resurrected the London Girl shame. We should ask Fifi who is trained in tracking down these things. Right, Turnoi, SB,and Foxy are you okay with that that the perpetrator should be now tracked down and named? I am happy with any outcome which names the recent poster who restarted the LG controversy.

Not that there should be any shame in bringing back this story but the poster who did had a negative agenda. I rather feel it was foxy's new hero, SB.

Messages In This Thread
There but for the grace of God.... -- Alias Taffy -- 2018-03-29
Re There but for the grace of God.... -- Deborah Thistlethwaite -- 2018-03-29
Re There but for the grace of God.... -- FTinPRC -- 2018-03-29
Re There but for the grace of God.... -- Alias Taffy -- 2018-03-29
Re There but for the grace of God.... -- FTinPRC -- 2018-03-29
Re There but for the grace of God.... -- Alias Taffy -- 2018-03-29
Re There but for the grace of God.... -- FTinPRC -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re There but for the grace of God.... -- LG -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re There but for the grace of God.... -- Another Willie -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re There but for the grace of God.... -- Alias Taffy -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re There but for the grace of God.... -- Another Willie -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re There but for the grace of God.... -- foxy -- 2018-03-29
Who brought back LondonGirl. -- Alias Taffy -- 2018-03-29
Re Who brought back LondonGirl. -- Another Willie -- 2018-03-29
Re Who brought back LondonGirl. -- Alias Taffy -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re Who brought back LondonGirl. -- LG -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re Who brought back LondonGirl. -- Another Willie -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re Who brought back LondonGirl. -- LG Fan -- 2018-03-29
Who brought back Fake LondonGirl. -- Another Willie -- 2018-03-29
Re Who brought back LondonGirl. -- foxy -- 2018-03-29
Re Who brought back LondonGirl. -- Alias Taffy -- 2018-03-29
Re Who brought back LondonGirl. -- foxy -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re There but for the grace of God.... -- Curious -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re There but for the grace of God.... -- Another Willie -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re There but for the grace of God.... -- foxy -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re There but for the grace of God.... -- foxy -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re There but for the grace of God.... -- Another Willie -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re There but for the grace of God.... -- UNCARING -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re There but for the grace of God.... -- Another Willie -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re There but for the grace of God.... -- UNCARING -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re There but for the grace of God.... -- Another Willie -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re There but for the grace of God.... -- UNCARING -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re There but for the grace of God.... -- Fifi -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re There but for the grace of God.... -- Alias Taffy -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re There but for the grace of God.... -- Another Willie -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re There but for the grace of God.... -- Alias Taffy -- 2018-03-29
Re There but for the grace of God.... -- Comrade Lenin -- 2018-03-29
Re There but for the grace of God.... -- Wladimir Ilyitch Lenin -- 2018-03-29
Re There but for the grace of God.... -- Alias Taffy -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re There but for the grace of God.... -- Fifi -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re There but for the grace of God.... -- Another poster -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re There but for the grace of God.... -- foxy -- 2018-03-29
Re: There but for the grace of God.... -- Fifi -- 2018-03-29
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