View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re "Operation Repo", fake?
Another Willie - 2018-03-29
In response to Re "Operation Repo", fake? (Taffy)

There are only a few things for me to do tomorrow. Need to go back to the travel agency to get my seat reservation done. Then, I will have to get my travel bag ready. The suitcase was already collected by the transport company; it is on the way to Munich airport where I will collect it to get it checked in through to Kathmandu. Tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon, I still have a couple of telephone appointments, one being with my publisher. After that, it's time to relax.

"What will you do tomorrow, just relax? Sunday the big day?"

Messages In This Thread
"Operation Repo", fake? -- Silverboy -- 2018-03-29
Re "Operation Repo", fake? -- Taffy -- 2018-03-29
Re "Operation Repo", fake? -- Silverboy -- 2018-03-29
Re "Operation Repo", fake? -- Taffy -- 2018-03-29
Re "Operation Repo", fake? -- Another Willie -- 2018-03-29
Re "Operation Repo", fake? -- Taffy -- 2018-03-29
Re "Operation Repo", fake? -- Another Willie -- 2018-03-29
Re "Operation Repo", fake? -- Silverboy -- 2018-03-29
Re "Operation Repo", fake? -- Another Willie -- 2018-03-29
Re "Operation Repo", fake? -- Silverboy -- 2018-03-29
Re "Operation Repo", fake? -- Another Willie -- 2018-03-29
Re "Operation Repo", fake? -- Silverboy -- 2018-03-29
Re "Operation Repo", fake? -- Taffy -- 2018-03-29
Re "Operation Repo", fake? -- Trum whistleblower -- 2018-03-29
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re "Operation Repo", fake?

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