View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Range of Techniques to Present and Reinforce the Meaning of Lexical Items
moht / TEFL - 2016-08-20

Hello All,
I am having kind off a small conundrum with one of my assignment, and was hoping I can get some example or pointers to start on my assignment. Below is the question air that I am having a little difficulty wrapping my head around it, I am not looking for an answer but more of an example as to how to proceed with the answer.

There is a list of 7 vocabulary items below. Your students are intermediate and above. They do not know these words but they may know synonyms or antonyms of these words. How would you best convey the meaning and teach the vocabulary ítems to them? Write a paragraph on each word/words including types of interactive questions which can help accomplish this task. You do not need to restrict your method of conveying meaning to the suggestions in Section 2.6. There are other ways it could be done. Be imaginative!

Aircraft carrier
The moon
Keeping fit

thank you

Messages In This Thread
Range of Techniques to Present and Reinforce the Meaning of Lexical Items -- moht / TEFL -- 2016-08-20
Re Range of Techniques to Present and Reinforce the Meaning of Lexical Items -- natasha -- 2018-04-09
Re Range of Techniques to Present and Reinforce the Meaning of Lexical Items -- Paul Fox -- 2016-08-20
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