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TankEngine - 2016-01-25

I'll tell ya thus much:

If you've not been to the company's local office, there's a good chance that ain't the actual contract unless it's 15+ pages long.

Either way, if you sign it, get yourself ready for some mess. Unless you already know someone in GZ, you'll be in a hotel at your expense (cuz worlda won't pay for anything. They're afraid folk will take the accommodation and run.) with not even a hint of how long you'll be in there. They'll tell you "it depends on how your training goes" when really they're just stalling for time to find a school that won't have an issue with your appearance - most schools with worlda could give a rats ass about whether or not you can teach well or even speak English. Basically, if you're a picturesque white male with and don't look too "off," you're good to go. Otherwise, if youre either female (particularly non blond), black (according to China standards), larger than some or just look "aged" or any combination of these, bet your bottom dollar, basically they'll have you waiting for someone to quit so they can throw you in there.

"Training", if you're lucky, is you showing off how "foreign" you can be. If you can pull off Fraulein Maria from Sound of Music, you're in. Otherwise be prepared to be told "you should play more games" or "you should be more funny" from a bunch of uni grads who can barely spell TEFL...

Their website says you get winter and summer holiday, but that's not PAID winter and summer holiday, for example. So once you arrive, if you start at the beginning of the month, you'll be 50 days without pay. Holidays will have you going 80-90 days counting jiaos. Remember that hotel? You get reimbursed only AFTER you've pulled your hair out by the end of the contract. If you got an apartment with them, don't be fooled. There IS no "company apartment" as many may think. You come to china. The staff then has to scout about for an apartment on your behalf. There is no "home waiting for you to move right on in." Might be down the street from your school. Might be a 90min commute. You may not even know who your landlord is because they won't tell you, yet will expect you to handle everything when something goes wrong.

Once you end up in a school, unless you're in one of their top paying "clients", they leave you alone. You rarely hear from them unless it's to tell you what a bad job you're doing near the end of the semester. Or to relay school information at the very last minute. If you end up at the school that doesn't have TAs, unless you speak stellar Chinese, good luck to you. No curriculum. No materials. No resources. You'd have to pull an entire programme of teaching out your bum in record time.

If that sounds ok to you, by all means sign right up. All the best.

But if you have other options, take the other options and don't put yourself through unnecessary stress. If you don't have other options, FIND other options, as they are out there.

Worlda is a sanity gamble. It's one of those companies where if teachers didn't have a particularly bad experience, they no experience at all and were probably there to collect pocket change anyway. I've tons of other info from experience with them. "RUN! Run FAR! Run FAST!"

Messages In This Thread
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- John O'Shei -- 2013-06-09
Good day to the kind teachers!!! -- James B. -- 2016-05-20
Re Good day to the kind teachers!!! -- TankEngine -- 2016-07-02
Re Good day to the kind teachers!!! -- Guangzhou Worlda Scam -- 2016-07-03
Re Good day to the kind teachers!!! -- Jerry L'épeire -- 2016-06-27
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- DongK -- 2015-02-04
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Jerry L'épeire -- 2016-01-25
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- DongK -- 2016-03-22
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Jerry L'épeire -- 2016-03-23
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- OC -- 2016-03-28
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- John O'Shei -- 2016-03-23
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- John O'Shei -- 2016-01-26
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Mogui -- 2015-02-07
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- US Owl -- 2016-01-23
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Worlduh -- 2016-02-04
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- TankEngine -- 2016-01-25
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Worlduh -- 2016-03-02
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- John O'Shei -- 2016-01-26
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Jason -- 2018-03-29
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Another Willie -- 2018-03-29
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Jerry L'épeire -- 2016-01-26
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- MR T -- 2014-11-30
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- John O’ Shei -- 2014-12-02
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