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jorv - 2015-05-09

Hi everyone!

I have been offered a job at Little London English School in Hohhot.
So far, I've had a pleasant email correspondence and Skype interview with a British guy who acts as their head of recruitment.
So I am tempted to accept the offer and get together the documents to start the visa preparations.

However, I have not been able to find that much information on them online.
So I'd love to hear from anyone who is teaching there now or has taught there in the past.
I know Hohhot is not everybody's favourite, but I am confident I can like it well enough for at least a year.
I am very interested to hear though if (former) teachers recommend Little London or not. What did you like or dislike? Did they arrange the right documents for you to apply for a legal Z-visa? Do they keep their promises as to salary and maximum number of hours to teach?
Any answer is much appreciated; thanks a lot for your time!!

Kind regards, Jorden

Messages In This Thread
Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- jorv -- 2015-05-09
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- Laowai -- 2018-06-03
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- 807 -- 2018-06-26
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- The Spirit of Migsey -- 2018-06-29
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- Scouse Magic -- 2018-07-06
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- PageWhite -- 2018-07-14
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- The Spirit of Migsey -- 2018-07-10
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- Silverboy -- 2018-07-17
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- San Migs -- 2015-05-10
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- jorv -- 2015-05-11
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- Ya'el -- 2016-01-09
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot?

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