Language Exchange & Pen Pals
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Mishka Heimowski <> - 2015-08-27

Hello there!

I am a Spanish teacher in a Canadian high school and am looking to pair up my classes (grades 9-12) with pen-pals from a Spanish speaking country. The idea is for students to practice using Spanish in authentic and meaningful ways. Perhaps a subject-based or cultural exchange so that both parties are not only practicing the language, but also learning about and from each other? Our first semester goes from September 2015 - January 2016. I will be teaching one block of Spanish 9, one block of Spanish 10 and one block of Spanish 11. The second semester goes from February 2016 - June 2016. I will be teaching one block of Spanish 9, one block of Spanish 10 and one block of Spanish 12. Open to collaboration ideas and connecting across boarders!

Looking for language exchange or penpals: Post here
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