English Learning Tips For Students
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Andrea Snow

You don't always need formal classes to learn English. Classes can be slow-moving, time-consuming and expensive. Instead, several methods exist for learning English for free and at a speedy pace. These methods take advantage of online resources, libraries and the people surrounding you to quickly bring your English speaking skills up to a conversational level. The study methods require planning and dedication, but if you plan to live or work in an English-speaking country, they are extremely helpful.

List the goals you would like to achieve in your study of English. For example, you may wish to focus on learning basic greetings and travel phrases; alternatively, you might want to work toward reading fluency and a mastery of grammar. Focus your study time on activities that work toward these goals.

Borrow a book on basic English grammar and phrases from your local library. If possible, find books that feature audio or video supplements so you can learn pronunciation. Study these until you feel comfortable with the basic rules and sounds of the English language.

Read from study books and online English news websites daily, looking up the words you don't know on free online translators or dictionaries. For the fastest results, read news words aloud to solidify them in your memory. Many online dictionaries offer audio clips of the word to demonstrate pronunciation.

Download and listen to free English-language news audio and English-language podcasts. These are available on language learning blogs and podcast databases. Borrow English-language movies or English-language music from your library and play them in your spare time. Listening to as much oral English material as possible will help develop your listening skills quickly.

Find a native English speaker to socialize with, either online or in person, so you can practice your impromptu speaking skills. If no native English speakers live nearby, try one of several free websites that connect language learning partners who can speak with each other via video or audio chats.

Study for a set amount of time every day, splitting your time between learning new words or concepts and reviewing old material. Memorizing vocabulary or grammatical concepts once will not ingrain them in your long-term memory. You must continually review old material to maintain your language knowledge.

Research local organizations for English learners or with members who speak English. These organizations may have free resources, libraries or speaking partners to help you progress further with your studies.

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