English Learning Tips For Students
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Neal Litherland

Many people want to learn how to speak English, particularly immigrants to America who will blend in better with the culture and have more opportunities if they can learn to speak the common language of the country. There are a lot of ways that people can learn to speak proper English though.

Repetition is one of the keys to learning a language. This doesn't necessarily mean that you should just sit down with flash cards and memorize a bunch of English vocabulary, but it does mean that you should use the English you know at every opportunity. If you're studying about food and meals then go out to eat and order your meal in English. If you're studying money then you should go to the bank and discuss things with the cashier in English. Get over your fear of looking foolish and practice at every chance you get--even if you have to make some of those chances yourself.

Music has sometimes been called a universal medium, but it's also a great way to help yourself learn English. Find a style of music you like, whether it's heavy metal, country, rap, pop or something else and make sure that you get the song in English. As you listen to more and more music in the English language you'll get a feel not only for the words and how they're spoken, but for the flow of the language. It will help train your ear so that you can listen to English better, which will help you speak it better as you learn.

While music is one way to get your English fix, another is to listen to native English speakers. Whether you're out at a restaurant, riding a bus, listening to talk radio or watching television make sure that you surround yourself with as many native English speakers as possible. If you listen to how natives speak the language it can tune your ear further. In addition, it will help you learn common phrases and expose you to different dialects and accents within the language. These can be particularly helpful if you're also trying to learn how to speak like a native of a particular area.

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