English Learning Tips For Students
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Maggie McCormick

If you speak Russian, learning to speak English can open up several doors. It can help you communicate when traveling or get a better job within your own country. Learning English requires daily practice, especially if you want to become fluent. Still, there are many avenues that you can take to learn English from Russian. When you approach language learning from many different angles, you'll find that that you are speaking English like a native in no time at all.

Learn the English alphabet. In order to read English, you'll need to know the English alphabet and phonics. Try to find a native English speaker to teach you phonics so that you can hear the proper way to say the letters. If you can't find someone to teach you in person, you can purchase a CD or DVD that does this.

Purchase an English textbook. One of the most difficult aspects of learning English is grammar and how to use different verb tenses. An English textbook will show you how certain English sentence structures correlate to Russian. This will give you a better overall understanding.

Watch English television shows. The English that you'll find in a text book or class can sometimes sound too formal in real life. By watching television shows in English, you'll see how native speakers use English and pick up more natural phrases.

Attend classes to expand your knowledge. Classes can do wonders for boosting your English skills. When you take a class with a native English speaker, you can learn pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. You can also have the opportunity to practice English conversational skills, both with the teacher and with other students.

Practice proper pronunciation. Good pronunciation will help you to succeed. There are computer software programs that allow you to speak through a microphone and then compare your voice inflections with those of native English speakers. Actually speaking the language will help you to improve your confidence.

Find a conversational partner to practice English. Join a club in your town that promotes friendship between English and Russian speakers. If there isn't anything like this available, look online for help. There are sites where you can meet someone that is interested in learning Russian to do a language exchange. Or you can meet someone that is just interested in conversation. You can use the telephone or video chat to improve your skills.

Try your skills in real-life situations. There's no substitute for real interaction. Try taking a trip abroad or making friends with English speakers in your area. This will drastically improve your listening and conversational skills.

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