English Learning Tips For Students
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Do not rely entirely on spell check because it does not check for sound alike words or grammatical errors. Grammar check catches simple errors but not always the more involved grammatical errors.


Things to watch for are over used phrases and words, change of voice, and run on sentences. The use of the period is good. Nothing is wrong with short sentences. Writing in the active voice is best. Make certain a word you use is a word. Example of a word which is not a word is irregardless.

There is no such word.


Run on sentences are connected with conjunctions and commas. This is going to be a run on sentence because you need to realize that sentences like this can lose their meaning as the writer continues to go on, and write things which may not connect to one another in any logical order and by the time you are through reading the sentence you have lost the meaning of the original thought. Avoid run on sentences. An extra long sentence may lose your reader completely.


Whatever you are writing, go back and read it. Then read it again. Then read it again. After the third reading, you will begin to find spelling errors and grammar mistakes. If you are not certain, look it up. There are some very good books on grammar available.


Reading your own writing as if you were reading it for the first time is of the utmost importance. If it requires you to put the article down and read it the next day, do it.

Use reference materials. The more you write the more you will understand correct grammar usage.

Sloppy writing is noticed.

Poor grammar can lose you a job.

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