English Learning Tips For Students
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Adjectives add spice and flavor to otherwise dull sentences. In the English language, adjective usage comes naturally when speaking aloud to most people, especially if they have a flair for creative descriptions. When writing, there are some general rules and tips for using adjectives to make your sentences readable.

Modify a noun with a simple adjective to add meaning. Instead of saying, "Look at the cat," try, "Look at the large cat." Immediately, you present a clearer picture of the cat.

String 2 or more descriptive adjectives together to further modify the noun. "Look at the large calico cat," gives the reader a specific mental image.

Position adjectives in order when using more than one. There is no hard rule but the generally accepted order is, "size/age/shape/color/nationality/material," for descriptive adjectives. For example, "Look at the huge, old, matted, calico, Persian cat."

Place general opinion adjectives before specific opinion adjectives. "Look at the pretty, arrogant cat."

Use a comma when writing similar adjectives. "It was a dark, gloomy night." However, if the adjectives have different meanings, skip the comma. "It was a dark sad night."

Write adjectives just before the noun in most sentences. However, it is allowable to use the adjective after the noun if a verb precedes it. For instance the sentence, "The cat is large," has the adjective "large" at the end of the sentence, following the verb "is."

Change some nouns to adjectives by adding a suffix. The noun "hazard" becomes the adjective, "hazardous" when the suffix "-ous" is added. The suffixes that change some nouns to adjectives are, "-ous, -ly, -like, -ic, -ish" and "-al."

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