English Learning Tips For Students
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As you know now days the English language is the main language of the world , you need it everywhere , and I'm going to take just one aspect , which is the most important need for English language , it's your job , your career , if you want to improve your self in your career to be able to earn more salary or evet to promote you by your employer , you should be able to speak English fluently , and maby you'v heard - from here or there - someone who studied English using text books and still couldn't yet speak fluently English , but you know why , that's because speaking English is not like reading it or even study it , that's because when you are reading or studing , you have time to think , but when you have to speak there's no time for thinking you have to say words quickly automatically , and to be able to speak automatically , you have to learn English deebly an by listening .

Why deebly? look at yourself when you were a child did you learn words by heard them just one or some times , I don't think so , I think maybe you heared the same word a lot befor it be in your mind dictionary , and that's exactly how you have to learn English language , you have to listen to the same conversation at least 30 times , so the words will be stuck to your mind , so when you need any word it's shouted from your mouth without any thinking .

And why by listening ? Because that's the natural method of learning any language , even your original language , do you know anyone who learned his language by study grammar rules , do you ? So that's the right way for you to learn speak English fluently and automatically , and you need to listen to a real English conversation and it well be better and better at first if you have these conversation are written , so will understand every single word you hear .

Is your reading good but your speaking is terrible? Do you fell nervous when you try to speak in English? Here is the solution? www.bestenglishlearningprograms.weebly.com. it's extremely amazing method to speak English fluently.

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