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Renee Goodrich

Nouns are the words we use to name things ( eyeball, horse, pasta, monster, Friday, cloud, face, paint, mascara, jealousy).

They make up the largest group of words in the English language. Here is a quick A to Z guide to types of nouns.


Refers to a state, quality or feeling (beauty, luxury, feeling, justice, poverty).


This is a series of three or more nouns with only the last word acting as a noun. The other words act as adjectives. The term was coined by Richard Wydick to draw attention to the increasing use of these unwieldy phrases (soccer game ticket price change, Saturday morning television program time).


A group of words that have a noun and a verb, but do the job of a noun (the letters growing moldy, a blooming apple bud, several paying customers)


Used to define a group of objects (a flock of birds, a colony of bats, a brood of chickens).


Things that can be seen, heard, smelt, tasted or felt (bird, toe, custard, hairspray, teeth, wind)


Names of objects that contain three or more nouns (see CHAIN)


Concrete is another name for common. It refers to nouns that can be perceived by one or more of the five senses: seen, heard, smelt, felt or tasted.


Nouns created by combining two words (haircut, lookout, bedspread, bathroom, toothbrush)


Things that can be counted (bottle, table, feet, hands, fingers, chair).


These give more information about the object than a generic noun would. For example, fiend or gentleman are far more descriptive than man)


Words found in Edward W Dolch's list of the 95 most commonly used nouns.


Refers to the female version of the thing.


Refers to the sex of the thing (boy, lioness, mare).


Refers to the main noun in a noun group (dog in big black dog, bud in growing apple bud)


Compound nouns created using a hyphen (mother-in-law, jack-in-the-box).


The spelling is changed when they become plural (loaf/loaves, cactus/cacti, child/children).


Refers to the male version of the thing.


Used to modify another noun (car modifies park to create car park, pickle modifies jar to create pickle jar).


Nouns that refer to more than one thing (women, dentists, sheep, boys)


Things that have a unique identity. They always start with a capital (December, Monday, Harry Potter, Ford, Africa, Melissa).


Plural nouns that show ownership of something (girls' dresses, fish's scales, sheep's wool)


The noun referred to by the preposition. In "on the sofa", the preposition on refers to the prepositional noun, sofa.


A group of letters added to the end of a noun to create a different meaning (mountain/mountaineer, commune/communism).


Things that can't be counted (hair, wind, sorrow).

If you would like access to more types of nouns resources head to http://www.free-teacher-worksheets.com/types-of-nouns.html

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