English Learning Tips For Students
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Cashmere Lashkari

I can't speak fluently in English. It is affecting my promotions, my career prospects and my social life. What does one do to speak English well?

I have to attend interviews and group discussions to get my dream job. The problem is that I cannot speak fluent English and so I don't do well.

It is not that I don't know English. I have studied it at school and I can write very well. It is just the speaking that I get stuck with.

I can speak English, but when I have to speak in front of many people, my throat dries up and I get stuck with my words refusing to come out right.

Is this your story too?

Does this person's problem sound familiar? Is this your problem as well? There are a large number of people who need to speak English to work in this global village of ours. Yet not everyone is a native speaker. English is not the mother tongue for the vast majority of English speakers. So how does one get fluent in Spoken English? How do you wish to improve your Spoken English?

To Improve Spoken English

There are no shortcuts here. You need to speak and practice the language skills to improve your spoken English. The best thing to do is to catch hold of someone in your friend circle who is fluent in the language and is willing to help you practice. Now fix a topic and start speaking. It could be about anything - the news, the weather, the latest movie that you saw. The important part is to get talking.

If at first you don't succeed, try, try,try again

Once you have had your say, ask your friend to point out what mistakes you made. It could be in grammar, diction, tone or vocabulary. It will help if you record your conversation so that you can replay it and understand just what mistakes you seem to be making. Identify repeated mistakes and try to rectify them. You can keep a note of these points and see that you consciously try to avoid them.

Online Spoken English Teacher

What do you do if you don't have a fluent English speaking friend? You turn to professionals. There are a number of websites where you can get online language coaching. Here you can get one on one coaching with a Spoken English teacher who will guide you about what you are doing wrong. Speaking exercises are given and then corrections are made.

The Advantages

The whole process can take place in the comfort of your home. You do not have to commute to any institute as all you need to have is an internet connection and a computer. There is complete privacy. There are no other classmates who might laugh at any mistakes you may make. Plus the cost is nominal compared to what you would pay for a classroom based course. So if you wish to build up your confidence level and speak English fluently, you should try out the online spoken English classes.

To get a free e-book on How to Improve your Spoken English visit Spoken English E-Book
Visit my personal blog at http://www.cashmerelashkari.com.

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