English Learning Tips For Students
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#1 Parent John Callahan
Re: English Fluency Development Program

Kia ora ,

I have researched and developed a new theory and practice for teaching

English speech and literacy. See www.readspeak.co.nz

I have also placed on YOUTUBE a channel for ESoL, low English and

dyslexic people to monitor their English fluency and their reading

understanding. Listening, speaking, reading and memory are linked.


I have a specialised, authentic English library supporting large numbers

of people to learn online, in real-time, using new Skype/ Logitech



John Callahan

Piyush Bhatia
English Fluency Development Program - Learning Tips

Follow the following program for 6-10 weeks (depending on your level and goal) and you will see magical results in your English Fluency.
• Monday Activity: Read Loudly any English Text– (1 hour)
• Tuesday Activity: Listen to Audio version and at the same time read the same (you can get software on internet which do the same), but in your mind – (1 hour)
• Wednesday Activity: Listen and read loudly (1 hour)
• Thursday Activity: Do Mirror Practice – (20 minutes) Maintain eye contact and speak in front of a mirror on: Simple and prepared topics (10 minutes) like self introduction, daily routine, short story, my family / friends / relatives. Unprepared topics (10 minutes) like the colour blue, love, life, God, mobile phones, reservations be allowed?, what’s the role of education in our life?
• Friday Activity: Think in English – (20 Minutes) take any topic, especially when you are traveling, or at home, and think in SIMPLE and SHORT sentences, keep expanding the topic as much as possible. The habit of thinking in English helps very much in gaining English Fluency.
• Saturday Activity: Practice grammar lessons
• Sunday Activity: Speak in English – with known and unknown people – at least 5 in a day, you may call up any customer service number of a phone / bank / credit card helpline

Hi I am Piyush Bhatia the Founder and CEO of BM English Speaking Institute Pvt. Ltd. , Mumbai, India. Come and learn English with us. Along with English training we also, enhance people’s confidence, public speaking, presentations, business English, email drafting and group discussion skills. Find out more on www.bmconsultantsindia.com

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