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Employment Tips

Steps for Motivating the Employees
By:Jenniefer Raj

Instead of trying to curb attrition, companies are willing to spend more on hiring and training costs. We are glad to list a few steps that management can easily incorporate to motivate their employees.

1. Right Environment - You cannot motivate people, they have to motivate themselves. However, you can establish an environment where they can best motivate and empower themselves. The key is in understanding the comfort levels of each of your employees.

2. Classify Motivation - No everyone is motivated by money. We sure see of a lot of employees who are not bothered about money, certain things like cash, a pleasant office and job safety can be useful to avoid de-motivation, but they usually do not help in increasing motivation levels. The answer is to understand what motivates each of your employees.

3. Eliminate Fear - Fear is the last thing that works in an environment, where you want to promote motivation. A Boss who yells down on employees throats is usually on a fast track to exit.

4. Motivate employees to unravel problems - promote your employees to be solution generators instead of problem makers. When an employee brings a problem to you, look at it as a prospect to empower him. Ask his opinion on a possible solution, express your confidence that he is the person to solve the problems, give him the right tools to solve the problem, and follow up. You have just empowered the employee to find ways in the future to create solutions and made your team more creative in the meantime.

5. Delegate Tasks - Unfortunately the power of delegation is the least known and least used tool. The sheer act of your assigning a task shows your employees that you have the confidence in them that they can do the job. Be certain you understand the task to be assigned so that you can clear and able to concisely communicate the task "ownership" of the task to the employees. Delegation is providing your employees with ownership of the task, providing the tools for successfully completing the task, expressing the incentive and outcomes for carrying out the task and following up.

6. Try to get into your employees shoes - study your employees' talent, familiarity, and motivation levels for completing workplace tasks. For example, you may need to follow up more regularly with an employee who is new recruit as contrasting to a "experienced" employee who would not need much follow-up. It is important to remember that the most skilled employee may not be the most motivated for performing the task you request.

7. Recognition - Always give your employees acclaim for the ideas they put across. Nothing will diminish employee motivation and dry up the stream of ideas faster than having seniors take credit for their employees ideas or solutions. If your employees are coming up with solutions, reward them publicly. You will be surprised at how the flood of ideas from motivated employees increases, with every adulation.

8. Launch an action plan. While the objectives that you want to attain may differ for each project or employee, the process that you follow can be duplicated each time. You must always reward top performers and should be clear on just what you consider top performance. You should also outline a plan and environment that motivates less-than-top performers to strive to do better. Communication is the key ingredient for the entire program. Much of the project's success will center on employees getting a clear and constant communication and accepting the objectives."Obviously, everybody wants the company to flourish, at least if people understand the ground rules, they know that if things do not fall in place, they will lose their rewards."

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