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ESL Jobs in China

Agency -- Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Xi'an, Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Ganzhou, Datong, Urumuqi,
By:Edukeys USA <hr@edukeys.net>
Date: 3 April 2017

Edukeys USA is looking for enthusiastic ESL teachers to work for the Project of Global Access (PGA) program in mainland China. The PGA program is designed in collaboration with ACT Education Solutions, and is known as one of the few high school international curriculums approved by the Ministry of Education in China. The program is built to enhance the overall competitiveness of the students on a global scale and to promote international education collaboration. Currently, 19 Chinses best middle and high schools in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and 16 other cities have joined the PGA network. These PGA teaching centers adopt standard management system, including curriculum setting, faculty recruitment, teaching & learning criteria, and students’ academic planning to ensure top level academic supports and services to be provided to our students. Since it was formed in 2007, the program has enrolled over 10,000 students, and graduated thousands of talented youngsters who were accepted by the Top 100 universities in the United States.

For further information on program curriculums and partner school profiles, please visit the PGA program website at http://www.edukeys.cn/en/job.aspx or http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjMxMjEzMDY4.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2&spm=a2h0k.8191407.0.0

Essential Responsibilities (For suject teacher positions):
• Conduct a minimum of 16-20 class sessions every week, each class session is between 40 and 50 minutes in length. Regular work hour is between 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
• Conduct 5+ hours Office Time per week, assisting students with questions related to lectures or assignments.
• Use designed PGA course materials to ensure required course objectives are accomplished as scheduled. Promptly advise school officials with actual or potential changes to the teaching plan.
• Participate in activities to promote PGA program and student enrollment, including but not limited to open class, teaching class recording, teaching demo and parent meeting.
• Accurately monitor and update all student records.
• Attend other mandatory events such as regular teacher training, etc.
• Other responsibilities may be assigned based on the course needs.

Essential Responsibilities (For counselor positions):
• Teach on topics related to career development, American university admissions requirements, university application procedures, and American culture (education and social);
• Review student application materials and provide editorial advice and suggestions;
• Teach college level writing classes, 2-4 class session per week;
• Meet with students individually or in group sessions and provide consultation about college application.

• Bachelor’s degree with preferred majors in ESL, English, Linguistics, Math & Sciences, Education, Business, and Computer Science.
• Minimum two years of working experience. Experience related to the field of education is preferred.
• Candidate must have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certification.
• Experiences with teaching or tutoring students in preparation for ACT or SAT test.
• Professional knowledge of the English language, able to teach grammar, writing techniques in high school level.
• Ability of obtain a clear background check.
• Ability to live abroad for at least one year.

Employment Compensation Package:
• Competitive salary based on the national standard for foreign instructors (12,000-21,000RMB)
• 10,200RMB annual flight allowance or travel subsidy
• Free housing plus travel reimbursement package.
• Comprehensive medical and workers’ injury insurance coverage in compliance with all relevant rules and regulations while working in China.
• Sponsorship of a Z working visa
• Health insurance
• 11 paid national holidays and holidays subsidy
• Airport pick-up upon arrival
• ESL or Curriculum training

Contract Commitment:
Selected instructors are required to complete the 10-month contract. The length of the contract this year is from August 31, 2017 to June 30, 2018. Contract renewal and compensation adjustment will be discussed prior to the expiration of the initial contract.

How to Apply?
For interested applicants, submit your cover letter, updated resume/C.V., and copies of your diploma and certificates to Edukeys USA Seattle Office: hr@edukeys.net

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